What to know
Your community can incorporate any of the indicators for your own redevelopment plans. Community involvement indicators: Measure the implementation of community outreach and involvement activities to populations of interest associated with land reuse and redevelopment activities.
Community Involvement Indicators
Data Source
Number of city- community [redevelopment] events and meetings
Count/number of events and meetings related to redevelopment
Event/meeting flyers or agendas
Internal county/city/town or non-profit data
Participation rates in city-community [redevelopment] events and meetings
Number of people participating in events and meetings involving the city and the community and related to redevelopment
Internal county/city/town or non-profit data
Number of public/outreach documents, e.g., publications, flyers, and readership statistics
Count/number of public/outreach documents created related to redevelopment
Numbers of publications/flyers/
Infographics that are distributed or counted by web hit counters-Internal county/city/town or non-profit data
Type of public/outreach documents, e.g., publications, flyers, and readership statistics
The description of public/outreach documents created related to redevelopment, e.g., publications, flyers, and readership statistics
Examples of publications/flyers/
Infographics that are distributed or counted by web hit counters
Internal county/city/town or non-profit data