Land Reuse Toolkits (Healthfields Toolkits)

What to know

ATSDR’s Land Reuse and Redevelopment Toolkits are resources for people to engage in land reuse and redevelopment projects that can reduce environmental exposures and improve community health.

Five Step Land Reuse Model

How to use this toolkit

The toolkits follow ATSDR's 5-Step Land Reuse Strategy to Safely Reuse Land and Improve Health (5-Step Land Reuse Model):

  1. Engaging with Your Community
  2. Evaluating Environmental and Health Risks
  3. Communicating Environmental and Health Risks
  4. Redesigning with Health in Mind
  5. Measuring Success: Evaluating Environmental and Health Change

Let's get started! Click on the icon of the personality you most identify with below. Then, you can follow the steps to create healthy land reuse and redevelopment projects, or "Healthfields."