What to know
Your community can incorporate any of the indicators for your own redevelopment plans. Economy indicators: Measure the economic changes associated with land reuse and redevelopment activities.
Economy Indicators
Data Source
Number of businesses/ industries/ services
Number of businesses, industries, or services in a community, including retail establishments, industries (e.g. manufacturing sites), and restaurants or grocery stores
Internal county/city/town or non-profit data
Can be compiled by e.g. a walking survey or Internet searchAdditional data sources:
Small Business Data Sources
Small Business Profiles for the States and Territories
Location of businesses/ industries/ services
Location of businesses, industries, or services in a community, including retail establishments, industries (e.g. manufacturing sites), and restaurants or grocery stores
Internal county/city/town or non-profit data such as maps
Can be created by surveillance and mapping
Types of businesses/ industries/ services
Average household income in a county, community, or census track
U.S. Census Bureau American Fact Finder and type in the name of the community (select Income data, Selected Economic Characteristics)
Demographic data from Census about poverty
Poverty rates in a community or census track
U.S. Census Bureau American Fact Finder and type in the name of the community (select Income data, Selected Economic Characteristics)
Demographic data from Census about occupations and income (estimate of salary ranges)
Occupational sectors and income levels in a county, community, or census track
U.S. Census Bureau American Fact Finder and type in the name of the communityexternal iconexternal icon (select Income data, Selected Economic Characteristics)
Percent change in property tax revenue pre- and post-redevelopment
Percent change in property taxes paid for a property before and after redevelopment
Internal county/city/town data, e.g. City Administration
Percent change in sales tax revenue pre- and post-redevelopment
Percent change in sales tax revenue for a business or businesses before and after redevelopment
Internal county/city/town data, e.g. City Administration
Number of jobs created
Count of the number of jobs created due to redevelopment
Reports from new businesses
Internal county/city/town data, e.g. City Administration
Number of jobs retained
Count of the number of jobs retained during or after redevelopment
Reports from existing businesses
Internal county/city/town data, e.g. City Administration
Type of jobs retained
Type of jobs retained during redevelopment by sector (e.g., service industry, technology industry, medical services)
Reports from existing businesses
Internal county/city/town data, e.g. City Administration
Trails/greenways: Number of visitors/tourists
The number of visitors/tourists using a trail or greenway created during redevelopment
Visual surveillance/count at different times of day
Monitors such as trail traffic calculators or apps (e.g. Rails to Trails)
Trails/greenways: Usage rates
Usage rates of trail/greenways by visitors/tourists (and residents) by activity (e.g., walking, jogging, biking)
Visual surveillance/count at different times of day
Monitors such as trail traffic calculators or apps (e.g. Rails to Trails)
Number of available properties
The property inventory of the number of properties available for redevelopment (e.g. for sale, use or reuse, demolition)
Internal county/city/town data, e.g. City Administration