Geospatial Application Portfolio

At a glance

GRASP develops, supports, and maintains a robust portfolio of geospatial applications developed in partnership with collaborators at CDC/ATSDR and HHS. Explore the catalog below to learn more!

GRASP Technology Overview

The GRASP Digital Ecosystem features two interoperable platforms – CDC/ATSDR OneMap and the GRASP Data Analysis & Visualization Platform (DAV-P). Both platforms equip CDC/ATSDR to develop dashboards that share data and tools that accelerate research, decision-making, interventions, and policy development.

CDC/ATSDR OneMap, a CDC enterprise platform, is a CDC installation of widely used commercial software, Esri's ArcGIS Enterprise / ArcGIS Portal (Esri, Inc.). GRASP DAV-P is GRASP Data Analysis and Visualization Platform (DAV-P) is a JavaScript/HTML/MS SQL Server data storage, analysis, and visualization platform.

Explore the full catalog of GRASP applications & dashboards

See below for the full catalog of data analysis, visualization and reporting applications and dashboards built and sustained by GRASP in partnership with programs across CDC/ATSDR and at the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

CDC/ATSDR Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) Interactive Map

Social vulnerability refers to the demographic and socioeconomic factors that contribute to communities being more susceptible to the negative impacts of public health emergencies, hazards, and stressors that may lead to disease and injury. The CDC/ATSDR Social Vulnerability Index (CDC/ATSDR SVI) is a place-based index, database, and mapping application designed to identify and quantify communities experiencing social vulnerability. The CDC/ATSDR SVI Interactive Map helps emergency response planners and public health officials use the CDC/ATSDR SVI to identify, characterize and visualize communities that are likely to need support before, during, and after a public health crisis of any type.

Status: In production (2015 - present)

GRASP Technology: GRASP Data Analysis and Visualization Platform (DAV-P) with services from CDC/ATSDR OneMap

GRASP Contribution: The CDC/ATSDR SVI Initiative is led by GRASP with input from across CDC/ATSDR and partners in the public health community. The Program provides expertise in science, technology, public health informatics, and visualization to sustain, promote, and integrate the SVI in public health science and practice. Additionally, GRASP develops, maintains, and hosts the SVI Interactive Dashboard.

Partner: The CDC/ATSDR SVI is led by GRASP.

CDC/ATSDR Environmental Justice Index Explorer

The CDC/ATSDR Environmental Justice Index (EJI) is the first national, place-based tool designed to measure the cumulative impacts of environmental burden through the lens of human health and health equity. The EJI delivers a single rank for each community to identify and map areas most at risk for the health impacts of environmental burden. The Environmental Justice Index uses data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration, the U.S. Geological Survey, OpenStreetMap, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Environmental Justice Index (EJI) Explorer enables to scientists, officials, and policy makers to identify communities burdened by environmental injustice to cultivate research, design interventions, and advance public health policy.

Status: In production (August 2020 - present)

GRASP Technology: GRASP Data Analysis and Visualization Platform (DAV-P) with services from CDC/ATSDR OneMap

GRASP Contribution: The CDC/ATSDR EJI Initiative is led by GRASP with expertise from CDC/NCEH and input from CDC/ATSDR and partners in the public health community. GRASP provides expertise in science, technology, public health informatics, and visualization to sustain, promote, and integrate the EJI in public health science and practice. Additionally, GRASP develops, maintains, and hosts the EJI Explorer.

Partner: The CDC/ATSDR EJI is led by GRASP with input from NCEH and ATSDR.

Minority Health Social Vulnerability Index Explorer

The Minority Health Social Vulnerability Index (Minority Health SVI) is an extension of the CDC/ATSDR SVI that adds key measures suggested by the HHS Office of Minority Health to better identify minority communities at risk for adverse health outcomes during public health emergencies. For example, the MH SVI includes additional characteristics such as health care access, chronic disease prevalence, expanded race/ethnic identifies, and language spoken at home (for respondents with limited English proficiency (LEP)). The MH SVI is shared via the MH SVI Index Explorer, which features maps, data, and tools enabling users to employ the MH SVI to better understand challenges faced by minority communities across the United States.

Status: In production (2021 - present)

GRASP Technology: CDC/ATSDR OneMap (GRASP implementation of ArcGIS Portal/Enterprise (Esri, Inc.)

GRASP Contribution: GRASP provides expertise in science and public health informatics to calculate the MH SVI. Additionally, GRASP provides expertise in technology, public health informatics, and visualization to develop, host, and maintain the MH SVI Explorer.

Partners: HHS Office of Minority Health (OMH)


The CDC Public Health Operations for Emergency Information Integration and Exchange System (PHOENIX) is a platform featuring rapid access to spatial datasets, analytic tools, and customized modules supporting readiness, response, and recovery activities during public health emergencies. By accelerating informed decision making and enhancing communication among response personnel, CDC PHOENIX ensures that CDC and ATSDR are equipped to face public health emergencies efficiently and effectively. Primarily a platform internal to the CDC, CDC PHOENIX offers data, resources, and tools to response partners at the local and state level if needed. Please contact for more information.

Status: In production (2018 – present)

GRASP Technology: CDC/ATSDR OneMap (GRASP implementation of ArcGIS Portal/Enterprise (Esri, Inc.)

GRASP Contribution: CDC PHOENIX is led by GRASP with input from stakeholders across CDC/ATSDR and partners in the public health community. To support the effort, GRASP provides expertise in geospatial analysis, emergency preparedness/response, technology, public health informatics, and visualization. GRASP develops, hosts, and maintains CDC PHOENIX. Primarily a platform internal to the CDC, CDC PHOENIX offers data, resources, and tools to response partners at the local and state level if needed. Please contact for more information.

Partner: CDC PHOENIX is led by GRASP.

NCIRD FluView Interactive

The National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease (NCIRD) FluView Interactive is a data visualization and reporting platform that shares data collected by CDC's influenza surveillance and monitoring systems. FluView Interactive features laboratory data from the WHO/NREVSS Collaborating Labs Network and influenza-like illness (ILI) data from the US Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet). Additionally, FluView Interactive enables users to explore data such as influenza positive tests, hospitalizations, mortality, and cases by virus subtype from systems including the FluServ-Net, National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN), NCHS Mortality Surveillance System, and the Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality Surveillance System. FluView Interactive functions as a unified platform enabling public health scientists, leaders, and policy makers to track the intensity of influenza activity across the United States throughout the course of each influenza season.

Status: In Production (2010 - Present)

GRASP Technology: GRASP Data Analysis and Visualization Platform (DAV-P)

GRASP contribution: GRASP provides expertise in technology, public health informatics, and visualization. GRASP develops, hosts, and maintains FluView Interactive.

Partner: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD)/Influenza Division

NCIRD COVID Data Tracker

The National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) COVID Data Tracker was released in April 2020, shortly after COVID-19 emerged in multiple countries around the world. The COVID Data Tracker is CDC's interactive home for COVID-19 data including hospitalizations, deaths, test positivity, emergency department visits and more. COVID Data Tracker combines county, state, national, and global data from across the COVID-19 response in a series of interactive dashboards, providing the public, state and local public health officials, and the media the information they need in one easy-to-use location. The COVID Data Tracker has been essential in enabling global users to track the scale, scope, and progression of the pandemic in time and space.

Status: In production (April 2020 - present)

GRASP Technology: GRASP Data Analysis and Visualization Platform (DAV-P) with selected visualization modules provided by CDC COVID-19 response partners

GRASP contribution: GRASP provides expertise in technology, public health informatics, and visualization. GRASP develops, hosts, and maintains the COVID Data Tracker in partnership with NCIRD.

Partner: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) / Coronavirus and Other Respiratory Diseases (CORVD)


NCIRD GISVaxView provides geospatial data and tools that inform the efforts of state and local health departments, jurisdictions, and other partners to plan, implement, and evaluate vaccine activities. Using GISVaxView data and tools, planners are equipped to explore local-level indicators that contribute to vaccine confidence and coverage, visualize data on populations at increased risk, identify community resources and barriers, and connect with community stakeholders. The GISVaxView Vaccine Activity Planner features COVID-19, Flu, and RSV vaccination data for adults from the National Immunization Survey Adult COVID Module (NIS-ACM) and includes data from the Esri Living Atlas. As additional needs are identified, GISVaxView will be enhanced with additional data, geospatial tools, and reports.

Status: In production (2023 - present)

GRASP Technology: CDC/ATSDR OneMap (GRASP implementation of ArcGIS Portal/Enterprise (Esri, Inc.)

GRASP contribution: GRASP provides expertise in technology, public health informatics, and visualization. GRASP develops, hosts, and maintains GISVaxView.

Partner: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) / Immunization Services Division (ISD)


The National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and Tuberculosis Prevention (NCHHSTP) NCCHSTP AtlasPlus is a data analysis, visualization, and reporting platform that shares CDC's data on HIV, acute viral hepatitis, STDs, and TB at national, state, and county levels. Additionally, NCHHSTP AtlasPlus shares data such as census population estimates and selected social determinants of health measures (e.g., poverty). The overarching goal of AtlasPlus is to strengthen the capacity of scientist and researchers to (a) monitor and track disease, (b) understand the variation of disease patterns in time and space, and (c) generate informative maps, charts, and tables to cultivate research and advance policy. Prior to the first release of AtlasPlus in 2011, NCHHSTP did not maintain a unified data storage, analysis, and dissemination platform for HIV, viral hepatitis, STD, and TB, and AtlasPlus meets essential data management needs at NCHHSTP.

Status: In Production (2011 - present)

GRASP Technology: GRASP Data Analysis and Visualization Platform (DAV-P)

GRASP Contribution: GRASP provides expertise in technology, public health informatics, and visualization. GRASP develops, hosts, and maintains AtlasPlus.

Partner: National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP)

NCCDPHP U.S. Diabetes Surveillance System (Diabetes Atlas)

The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) Division of Diabetes Translation (DDT) U.S. Diabetes Surveillance System, known as the USDSS / Diabetes Atlas, is a data analysis, visualization, and reporting platform that shares CDC diabetes surveillance data at national, state, and county levels. The USDSS / Diabetes Atlas features estimates and trends in diabetes incidence, diabetes prevalence, risk factors, preventive care practices and diabetes-related complications. Additionally, the USDSS / Diabetes Atlas enables users to explore the relationship between social determinants of health (SDOH) and diabetes incidence and prevalence. Finally, the application provides prepared documents enabling the public and public health partners to better understand health disparities in diabetes prevalence experienced by disadvantaged communities across the United States.

Status: In Production (2012 - present)

GRASP Technology: GRASP Data Analysis and Visualization Platform (DAV-P)

GRASP Contribution: GRASP provides expertise in geospatial statistics, technology, public health informatics, and visualization. GRASP develops, hosts, and maintains the USDSS / Diabetes Atlas.

Partner: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion / Division of Diabetes Translation

NCCDPHP U.S. Cancer Statistics: Data Visualization Dashboard

The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) U.S. Cancer Statistics Data Visualizations Dashboard enables users to explore official federal government cancer statistics from each registry that have met data quality standards. The incidence data are from the registries participating in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) and the National Cancer Institute's (NCI's) Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program. The mortality data are from the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) National Vital Statistics System (NVSS). In addition to cancer incidence and prevalence, the U.S. Cancer Statistics Data Visualizations Dashboard includes data on diagnosis, survival, and key risk factors including cancer screening, physical activity, and more.

Status: In Production (2017 - present)

GRASP Technology: GRASP Data Analysis and Visualization Platform (DAV-P)

GRASP contribution: GRASP provides expertise in geospatial statistics, technology, public health informatics, and visualization. GRASP develops, hosts, and maintains the U.S. Cancer Statistics Data Visualizations Dashboard.

Partner: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) / Division of Cancer Prevention and Control

NCEZID Hantavirus Widget

The National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID) Hantavirus Widget displays cumulative data of U.S. hantavirus cases reported through the Nationally Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (NNDSS). The application enables researchers and the public to better understand the volume and distribution of cases across the United States.

Status: In production (December 2019 - present)

GRASP Technology: GRASP Data Analysis and Visualization Platform (DAV-P)

GRASP Contribution: GRASP provides expertise in technology, public health informatics, and visualization. GRASP develops, hosts, and maintains the Hantavirus Widget.

Partner: National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID)

NCHS Data Query System (DQS)

The NCHS Data Query System (DQS) is a data discovery, distribution and visualization platform that centralizes and standardizes access to expansive data holdings managed by NCHS. The NCHS DQS features thousands of estimates on more than 120 health topics such as cancer, health insurance, nutrition and more. Additionally, the NCHS DQS enables users to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by women, children, and tribal communities. In alignment with the goals of the CDC Data Modernization Initiative (DMI), the NCHS DQS improves the discoverability, identification, and interoperability of a broad spectrum of NCHS data assets. The NCHS DQS rich tables, charts, and maps enable the public health community to advance evidence-based decision making, examine health disparities, improve health literacy, develop research, and more. NCSH DQS will be maintained into the future and new estimates on health topics will be added on a regular basis.

Status: In production (May 2024 - present)

GRASP Technology: GRASP Data Analysis and Visualization Platform (DAV-P)

GRASP contribution: GRASP provides expertise in technology, public health informatics, and visualization. GRASP develops, hosts, and maintains the NCHS DQS.

Partner: National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) / Division of Analysis and Epidemiology (DAE)

NCIPC Mapping Injury, Overdose, and Violence Dashboard

The NCIPC Mapping Injury, Overdose, and Violence Dashboard displays data on deaths from drug overdose, suicide, and homicide, using provisional and final death data from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS). Injuries and violence are major public health concerns affecting individuals and communities nationwide. Counts and rates per 100,000 people are shown at national, state, and county levels, as well as for census tracts or tract groups. This is the first time that mortality data is publicly available at the local level, made possible through Bayesian modeling and geographic aggregation led by GRASP. These advanced methods allow for more timely, localized data, helping communities better understand injury and violence trends, support prevention efforts, and ultimately save lives.

Status: In production (Jan 2025 - present)

GRASP Technology: GRASP Data Analysis and Visualization Platform (DAV-P) with services from CDC/ATSDR OneMap

GRASP contribution: GRASP provides geospatial analysis, statistics, and informatics expertise to prepare the data for distribution. Additionally, GRASP provides expertise in technology, public health informatics, and visualization to develop, host, and maintain the Mapping Injury, Overdose, and Violence Dashboard in partnership with NCIPC.

Partner: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) / Division of Violence Prevention (DVP)